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    Gallenkamp water jacketed C02 incubator comes with a HEPA filtration system for all your culturing needs.

    Specifically designed to deliver performance, ease of operation and value to support a number of culturing needs. 

    The large size GK160W CO₂ incubator incorporates a water jacketed system ensuring a stable temperature environment. 

    • HEPA filter to protect cultures 
    • AirFlow system 
    • Auto-Start 
    • Automatic control door heater 
    • Space saving- stackable design 

    Ordering Information

    Code  Capacity, L  Sensor Type  External Dimensions WxHxD mm  Internal Dimensions WxHxD mm 
    GK-160WEX  185L  IR  655x656x1030  544x504x681 
    GK-160WEXT  185L  TCD  655x656x1030  544x504x681