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    Quality centrifuges offering high speed models with or without refrigeration perfect for any laboratory.

    The Neofuge 15 and its refrigerated counterpart Neofuge 15R offer the functionality of three centrifuges; high-capacity, general purpose centrifuge for cell harvesting; a high-speed centrifuge for separating cell lysates and a microcentrifuge for DNA precipitations. They are widely used in routine research laboratories in the fields of bioscience, medicine and industry. 

    • Max capacity of 400ml 
    • Broad range of adaptors and modular accessories
    • Large back-lit LCD screen and easy to clean keypad 
    • Refrigerated by CFC-free unit (15R model only) 
    • Electronic imbalance detection 
    • Versatile- fixed range, swinging bucket, microliter rotors for all common tubes 

    Ordering Information

    Code  Description  Capacity 
    7BZ-GENFUGE15-EX  High speed centrifuge  6x 50 ml 
    7BZ-GENFUGE15R-EX  High speed refrigerated centrifuge  6x 50ml 



      15  15R 
    Cooling  No  Yes (R134 CFC free) 
    Temp control range ⁰C  N/A  -10C-40C 
    Max speed RPM  16000 rpm  16000rpm 
    Max RCF (g)  24940g  24940g 
    Dimensions WxHxD (mm)  525x390x330  580x540x350 
    Weight (Kg)  58  80