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    Gallenkamps high speed personal centrifuge Genfuge 13/13R provides high reliability and safety. It can be widely used in laboratories, clinics and research institutes

    Quality centrifuges offering benchtop high speed models with or without refrigeration perfect for any laboratory. 

    • Multi CPV control system 
    • RPM/RCF switch function 
    • Two time counting functions 
    • Quick spin function 
    • Aerosol- light and Autoclavable Rotor 
    • Real-time modification of parameters 

    Ordering Information

    Code  Description  Capacity 
    7BZ-GENFUGE13-EX  High speed centrifuge  24×1.5/2.0 ml 
    7BZ-GENFUGE13R-EX  High speed refrigerated centrifuge  24×1.5/2.0 ml 


      13  13R 
    Cooling  No  Yes 
    Temp control range ⁰C  N/A  -10C-40C 
    Max speed RPM  300-13800 rpm  300-13800 can be extended to 15000rpm 
    Max RCF (g)  17460g  17459 g can be extended to 20627g 
    Dimensions WxHxD (mm)  370x230x250  525x300x350 
    Weight (Kg)  18  47