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    The Gallenkamp 1750 range of variable area flowmeters offer an excellent means of instantaneous flow rate measurement. 

    The 1750 flowmeter can be fitted with Hi and Lo latching alarms. The end connections can be supplied in stainless steel or rigid PVC. 

    The units are fitted with a calibrated scale. A metric scale of 100mm is permanently fired on the tube. This flow meter can be used to measure the flow rate of most process gases and liquids. 

    Ranges up to 125L/min of water (or 3000L/min air @1013 mbar abs 20⁰C) are supplied as standard.


    • Direct reading of instantaneous flow rates 
    • Polycarbonate safety cover 
    • Metric scales 
    • Wide range of standard flow ranges 

    Ordering Information

    Code  Model  Description 
    GK-1750S  1750  Variable Area Flowmeters, Stainless Steel 
    GK-1750P  1750  Variable Area Flowmeter, PVC